Inquisitive? Scientific? Annoying? They all apply as we move into the new phase of life with a preschooler...the "Why" phase. I knew it would come...someday. Now "someday" is here...has actually been here for a few days, and has already worn out its welcome. Any answer I give now gets the same response: "Why?" Or, she'll mix it up a bit for me by asking, "But, why?" No explanation is good enough to appease her.
"God made it that way."
"Because I said so."
"But, why?"
Can I look at this as a chance to get as creative as I want with answers, knowing she's not really listening to me but just waiting for me to finish so she can ask her new favorite question? Not likely, because to go along with this new found inquisitiveness, she's also got the memory of an elephant. If I tell her that she can't have snack right at this very second because we're all out of snacks in the whole house, and the grocery store is out too, she'll remind me of this when I pull out snacks later in the afternoon and the next morning.
Then there's this lovely conversation that we have at least once a day:
"Mommy! Why does the cat srow (throw) up?"
"Because she eats too fast."
"She's the smallest and wants to get her share of food before the fat cats take it all."
"That's the way the world works."
"But, why?"
"God made it that way, I said so, and just because. Oh look, there's a plane!"
I'm a pretty patient person. After working with preschoolers and middle schoolers, special needs and general education students alike, I am ready for any number of "whys" that she'll inevitably throw my way until she's either too bored to continue or I've finally given the answer for which she was looking. My husband, however, is not so patient. I can't wait to see the smoke pour out of his ears while he tries to navigate this little part of our parenting journey. I'm sure that'll make for an interesting blog post...someday.
What is your favorite response when "Why" is thrown at you? Leave your answer in the comment section below.
Ask her why she thinks the cat throws up etc.. You will get some fascinating and probably hysterical answers!